December 1, 2017
Billdu News and Updates – December 2017

You speak, we listen. Our development team was working very hard to deliver new features to both mobile app and website. These are the most significant changes:
From now on you can create, email and print a statement for any of your customers for a selected time period. Client statements provide an overview of any outstanding invoices along with any payments and credit notes, it’s a detailed summary of the work you have completed. Statements are usually sent on a monthly basis to remind clients of any outstanding account balance and also as a payment reminder. Statements are available for both iPhone and iPad and you will find them in the Client section by selecting a client right next to the its name.
For those who have not heard about this service, Stripe is a third-party payments processor built around a simple idea: make online payments for companies easy.
You can now connect your Billdu account with Stripe and let your clients pay invoices directly & online using common debit and credit cards. This is possible regardless the platform, both using our free invoice maker and invoicing apps. With our latest update you can easily link to Stripe’s payment processor and use all of its features and payment possibilities. If activated, a Pay now button appears directly on an invoice, even in the PDF file itself. After a successful payment the money is transferred to chosen a bank account.
Turn on your instant payments in Payment options at your Companie’s settings or directly on an invoice while editing, create a Stripe account and receive payments faster.
This feature has been demanded for a long time by many users. Now you know on the first sight whether an invoice has been already emailed to a client by a simple status Sent. Also when the client opens the invoice, the status changes to Viewed and you can be sure your invoice was received and opened. This information was available on the invoice’s timeline on our website before but it is even more comfortable to see it directly in the mobile app.
Are you the owner and contact person for your company? Would you like to have your name or number displayed on the invoice in case an issue arises? Enter your name to Company details in the Settings section and your name will be displayed on every invoice from now on. Simple and efficient.
Partial payment – mobile app
Our website featured a partial payment all time long but with the increase of mobile app usage we had to add this feature to our app for iPad and iPhone. The good old switcher next to UNPAID is gone and an arrow > has replaced it. By clicking on it a new window appears where you can edit the final sum, change the date of the payment and include some note to yourself. In case of a partial payment this appears not only on the invoice but as well as in the invoice list – such an invoice has the status PARTIALLY PAID.
There are many reasons why you would like to change the name of a document or a label. Maybe you use Quotes instead of Estimates, Packing slips instead of Delivery notes or your local tax laws require to name your Invoice as Tax invoice. From now on you can change the document name and numbering to any text you need – and in any language.
You can also change the denomination of Payment method, Due date, Code, Description, Qty., Unit price and Signature.
As a matter of fact your can show or hide some invoice elements as well – Tax, Item discount, Due date, Quantity and Unit.
With all these modifications you can customize your invoices, estimates and orders even better than before.
An old Ferengi proverb says “A contract is a contract is a contract“. For your quotes to become a contract, and also for other documents, we have added a special feature. Your clients can now sign a document right in the mobile app. Select a document, click on menu (three dots) and select Sign by client. A new window appears where you can select a date, enter client’s name and let her or him sign it by finger.
You will find this feature in our latest iOS mobile app and it’s available for all devices both iPhone and iPad.
Our newly designed statistics show a comprehensive overview of your business’ performance. A simple pie chart was replaced by multiple color bars, we’ve added expenses overview as well as an overall balance view. Click on Invoices to see statistics of your Paid, Unpaid and Overdue invoices. Zoom the graph with your fingers to get a closer view and tap on a graph to get more details about the displayed sum.
If you use our statistics often, don’t miss this next feature:
Taxes can be a nightmare for many companies therefore a simple yet exhausting overview is crucial for a business. Now you can set up the beginning of a fiscal year that suits your country- and local laws. The Statistics will match accordingly to that setting and display all your invoices, credit notes, payments and expenses for the selected fiscal year, along with tax calculation. You will find this setting on both mobile app and website under Settings – Document settings.
Would you like to try our Billdu invoice maker? Now you can try it for free with a 30-day no credit card trial. Or, to see how easy it is to generate invoices with Billdu, try our free online invoice generator first.
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