Looking for purchase order template examples? Check our designs, choose the one that fits you the best, and create your purchase order.
You do not need to spend time going through all the purchase order templates available on the internet. We have created a free forms that you can easily edit or download to your computer. Select your preferred format and start using the template now.
People sometimes confuse purchase orders and invoices, and while they can be similar, there are a few differences. Unlike an invoice, which asks the client for payment, a purchase order is a legally binding document issued by a company to verify a client's purchase intent.
By signing the purchase order, the client agrees to receive the goods and services provided at their stated price. In that sense, it can act as a contract should either of the parties fail to complete their part of the agreement. Furthermore, thanks to their unique ID numbers, purchase orders help track deals through the procure-to-pay process, so providers and clients always know what's happening.
There are several types of purchase orders, but most commonly, we identify Standard (one-time purchase orders with no recurrence) and Blanket (recurrent purchase orders that bind the parties until a specific delivery or payment threshold is reached).
A purchase order should include the following:
a unique purchase order number
provider and customer company details (name, address, contact)
price, description, and quantity of goods
issue and delivery date
delivery location
billing address (if it's different from the company's)
discounts (if applicable)
payment terms
Have you not found your desired template? We have more free templates in our Free Purchase order Generator. Create document and download it in PDF afterwards.
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