3. A Simple Payment Process
A simple payment process can make all the difference in how effective an invoice management system is.
The most convenient payment system is one where both you and the client can view the client’s invoices. Ideally, this system would allow both of you to edit information, especially payment information.
If such a system is not available, the next best thing is an e-mail receipt. E-mail receipts are sent directly to a client’s e-mail address. E-mails can also be set to send you a notice once they have been viewed.
This kind of system also typically updates you as soon as you receive payment.
4. Penalties
An honest day’s work merits an honest day’s wage.
Some clients don’t see it that way, though. And some struggle with their own expenses.
Regardless of the situation, you need to be paid for the work you’ve done. And you should be paid on time.
The best way to ensure you’re paid on time is to set up a penalty system. Include a statement on your invoices that you will charge a penalty fee if the invoice is not paid on time.
It wouldn’t hurt if that penalty also increased over time.
Stiffed invoices are a bane of entrepreneurs. For this reason, it’s also a good idea to make all clients sign a contract promising payment by a certain date. That way, you can take that client to court if you don’t get paid.
5. Automated Invoices
Running a business is tough work. It’s hard to keep up with invoicing, especially if you’re a one-person business.
Thankfully, automated invoicing exists.
In your invoicing system, simply select the timeframe for which you want to bill and hit “print” or “send.” Depending on which you choose, all of your invoices for that timeframe will print for mailing or be sent to clients via e-mail. Recurring invoices are a great feature, too. You can have invoices created an sent automatically – try Billdu invoice maker!
6. Timely Billing
Regardless of whether or not your invoices are automated, they need to be sent out on time.
Sending your invoices out on time helps you keep track of who has received their invoice and who hasn’t. In turn, timely billing helps you determine who still needs to pay.
Timely billing goes beyond efficient invoice management system. It makes you look professional and reliable. It is important to always maintain that impression for clients.
7. Template Customization
Invoices with mismatched templates are hard to read. The information is jumbled together, and often the due date doesn’t stand out.
You can remedy this with an invoice management system that allows template customization. Template customization allows you to move elements on your invoices. It also lets you remove elements altogether.
That way, only relevant information will be displayed, and it will be easily readable.
If template customization isn’t available, there is another option. You can use a colored highlighter to mark the important areas of your invoices.

8. Time Tracking
Keeping track of your time is important. If you bill by the hour, your time determines your wage. If you bill by the project, you can see how much time you’re investing in a particular project.
Time tracking is also important for clients. It lets them see how much effort you’re putting into your work for them.
9. Short Due Dates
Part of ensuring you get paid on time is short due dates.
Don’t give a client more than a couple of months to pay up. In a couple of months, that client could have moved on to a different area. That leaves you with an unpaid invoice for hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars.
If possible, set the due date for a few weeks rather than a few months.
Short due dates also let you determine which clients are reliable for timely payment. Unreliable clients can be weeded out and refused future work.
10. Professional Language
It goes without saying that you should always use professional language when dealing with a client.
It can be difficult to maintain a professional face with a client who hasn’t paid up, though.
When dealing with these clients, always use “please” and “thank you.” In other words, “Please pay this bill by this date” and “Thank you for your business!”
Including such language on your invoices shows your professionalism and appreciation for your clients’ business.
Also, to be a pro, you need a software that streamlines the process of invoice creation. With Billdu, you can create invoices online. Adding items to your invoices can’t be easier, too, as you can just scan their barcodes without the need to enter any information.
8 Tips for Effective Invoice Management
Which programs help the process of invoice management? If you rely on invoices for payments, it’s best to be knowledgeable in several invoicing processes. Take a look at these 8 invoicing programs and methods.

1. Checklist
This is the most basic part of the invoicing process. When compiling your invoice, have a checklist of the tasks you performed, the hours you worked, and if applicable, break down each of these points in term of compensation.
It’s helpful to include this information:
- Name
- Contact information (email, phone number, etc.)
- Address (if you receive physical checks)
- Tax ID (if you’re being paid through your business)
- Any information regarding individuals who handle billing
Try to be as thorough as you can. Report any breaks you took, include your exact rate of pay, and the days you worked.
It’s recommended you work on the checklist as you work, not in crunch-time right before your invoice needs to be submitted.
2. Automation
We live in an amazing world where everything is done conveniently without human assistance, and an improved invoice management system is included in this mix.
Accounting software is available which automatically integrates order and billing processes into reporting systems.
Your reporting procedure will improve and you won’t need as much assistance from an accountant. Since there’s no middle-man, automated invoicing speeds up the time you receive your payment.
And since this type of invoicing is done automatically on the same program, it will ultimately reduce the cost of invoicing procedures.
Look into integrated accounting software such as QuickBooks, if you haven’t. Automated invoicing can be done online or through a downloadable program, depending on your preference.
3. Electronic Invoicing
Most professionals are switching to electronic invoicing because of the convenience. However, there are more reasons to make the switch from a paper-to-electronic invoice management system.
The most important reason is improved security. Electronic invoices combat fraud by utilizing digital signatures and immediate transfer.
With electronic invoices, you avoid the step of printing and sending paper invoices.
You don’t have to wait to receive your invoice — some electronic invoicing programs allow you to receive compensation immediately. And the environmental professionals appreciate saving paper.
You even have options to pre-design your invoices and download reusable templates to expedite the process. With Billdu Invoice Maker, you can easily customize one of our professional invoice templates.
4. Online Payments
Online payments have become the preferred and most effective method of receiving money. And the reason why is simple: online payment systems are quick, easy to use, and you receive money immediately.
They link to your bank account for easy transfer. This type of transfer prevents checks sent by mail, so no significant amount of time passes between your payment being shipped and received.
Your account information is safe from your employer and also from hackers.
These systems use powerful encryption so there will be no issue accepting a large amount of compensation from your employer.
Common examples of online payment programs include PayPal, Venmo, and Stripe.
5. Other Types of Money Transfer
If you don’t wish to use an online payment program, there are other payment methods you can use that are just as convenient and fast. These payment methods are just as straightforward and easy to use as online payment systems.
These include:
Direct Deposit
This service uses an Automated Clearing House (ACH) to immediately transfer funds into the employee’s bank account. The company will require your account and routing number and may require a physical check from you.
Using the direct deposit method completely eliminates using physical checks.
Debit/Credit Card Merchant Account
This is when you give a debit or credit card to an employee and load their payment on the card. Just about all major card carriers have this service available.
The fees are low for the employer, which makes these cards a convenient option.
Paper Check
Believe it or not, businesses still hand out physical checks in 2017. This is often the least-approved way — you have to go to your bank and deposit the check, and other issues regarding security and shipping issues could occur.
But generally, paper checks have been the tried and true way to pay employees.
You can expedite the process by depositing the physical check into your account by taking a picture and uploading the picture into your bank’s app (if applicable).
6. Monitoring
Even though so many factors contribute to secure and effective payment transfer, monitoring is still the key to best invoice management system practices.
Get in the habit of regularly monitoring your invoice system. Make sure your invoice was sent out and that payment was received.

7. Establish Reminders
While you’re monitoring your invoices, you want to make sure your employer remembers to pay you. Send automatic payment reminders to your employer(s).
Send these reminders the day before. Make sure you use an automatic program — you may not remember to send them manually, which could result in a late payment.
8. Reduce the Amount of Accounts Receivable Days
To get you in the habit of monitoring your invoices and get your employer in the habit of sending your payment on time, reduce the number of accounts receivable days.
The accounts receivable days is the number of days between when your employer sends your payment and when you receive the payment.
A good rule of thumb is to receive a check every week to be sure you’re getting paid frequently.
Do you understand what invoice management is? It’s more than just tracking payments; it’s key to keeping your business financially stable.
Implementing invoice management software can simplify the process, reduce errors, and ensure you get paid on time, giving you more time to focus on growing your business.
Keep growing your business with Billdu!
Find Out More About Invoice Management!
Billdu is a full invoice management system designed for your convenience and your clients’ convenience in mind. Our system includes payment reminders, recurring invoices, and other must-have features to keep you on top of your invoices.
To find out more about invoice management, please visit our blog reel!