Invoicing for Freelancers in 2024


11 min


February 21, 2024

One of the reasons why many people choose to freelance is the income potential. As a freelancer, you may not have the security a full-time job gives, but you can earn more than your employee counterparts in most traditional business models. However, there’s a big challenge when it comes to dealing with clients and managing your earnings in freelancing. To get paid, you have to send invoices to clients actively.

Invoices aren’t a modern concept. Merchants have used invoices since medieval times. During the reign of the Roman Empire, businesses used clay tablets to record sales transactions and invoices. Invoicing has been a critical part of most businesses in the past and present. Therefore, understanding the basics of invoicing is essential to running a successful business.

Top 3 Freelancing Trends in 2024

In 2024, freelancing trends are evolving, driven by three shifts. Firstly, the gig economy is soaring due to digitalization and a preference for flexible work. Full-time freelancers in the US have increased significantly, meeting rising demand across industries.

Specialization is crucial for freelancers, especially in high-demand fields like IT. The shortage of skilled workers globally has led freelancers to fill staffing gaps and add value to companies. Opportunities are abundant for those specializing in IT and AI.

Artificial intelligence is reshaping freelancing, creating new professions and emphasizing soft skills. Demand for AI experts like Machine Learning Engineers is high, underscoring the need for technical proficiency. Soft skills such as communication and problem-solving are also gaining importance.

Starting freelance business

Why is it Important for Freelancers to have an Invoice?

Why is having an invoice crucial for freelancers? Simply put, it ensures that you get paid for your hard work. Without an invoice, tracking payments and managing finances becomes a daunting task, leading to potential disputes or missed payments.

Additionally, an invoice serves as a professional record of your services rendered, instilling trust and transparency in your client relationships. It’s not just about getting paid promptly; it’s about maintaining professionalism and safeguarding your financial interests in the freelancing world.

Why should you consider using Freelance Invoice Templates?

Looking for a seamless invoicing solution? Consider the advantages of using freelance invoice templates. These pre-designed layouts streamline the invoicing process, saving you time and effort. With built-in fields for essential details such as services rendered, rates, and payment terms, these templates ensure accuracy while presenting a polished and professional image to your clients.

Moreover, freelance invoice templates help maintain consistency across your invoices, reinforcing your brand identity. Whether you’re a seasoned freelancer or just starting, these templates provide a convenient way to organize your billing information and present it in a clear and professional manner, ultimately enhancing your efficiency and credibility in the freelance market.

Freelance invoice template

For access to free pages invoice templates, simply click this link to choose your preferred design.

4 Ways How to create Freelance Invoices

Are you ready to optimize your freelance invoicing process for maximum efficiency and professionalism? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore four proven methods tailored to your unique freelancing style and business objectives.

1. Create Invoice using Word or Excel

If you’re comfortable with basic document editing, you can create a freelance invoice using software like Microsoft Word or Excel. However, this method often requires extensive formatting and may be time-consuming, especially for those without design skills.

2. Utilize Free Invoice Templates

For a quicker and more polished approach, consider using free invoice templates available online. These templates are pre-designed, allowing you to simply input your information, adjust fonts, and add branding elements. It’s a hassle-free way to ensure a professional-looking invoice.

3. Try Free Invoice Generator

Another convenient option is to utilize free invoice generator found on various websites. This tool typically offers customizable fields and layouts, enabling you to generate professional invoices quickly. With just a few clicks, you can tailor the invoice to suit your needs and branding.

For an invoice generator designed specifically for Australia, simply click the provided link.

4. Explore Invoicing Software

As your freelance business grows, investing in dedicated invoicing software can streamline your invoicing process significantly. While it may not be necessary for beginners, invoicing software becomes valuable as you handle more clients and send multiple invoices weekly. These invoicing platforms offer features like automated reminders, payment tracking, and customizable templates, enhancing efficiency and organization in your invoicing workflow.

Some invoicing software is available for download as a mobile invoicing app.

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Billdu invoice maker and invoicing app

Important Things to Add To Your Freelance Invoice

What is the standard invoice format? A good invoice should include the following elements:

  • your name,
  • contact information,
  • service information,
  • client name,
  • due date on the invoice,
  • invoice number,
  • total amount due, 
  • client payment options,
  • applicable taxes or fees
  • discounts or promotions.

An invoice should not include personal information such as bank account numbers, social security numbers, or passwords. An invoice should consist of something other than pricing information unrelated to the invoiced services or products.

Today, there are already many payment options for freelancers. Your client can pay through bank transfers, credit cards, PayPal, Payoneer, or other digital wallets. Some freelancers may also accept cash payments. The important thing here is to discuss payment options with clients before beginning any work.

Discussing payment options with clients helps to ensure that both parties are on the same page when it comes to expectations regarding payment. It also allows clients to select the payment option that best fits their needs and budget

payment of invoice

When Should you Send an Freelance Invoice?

You should send an invoice once you’ve provided the goods or services. This practice ensures prompt payment for your goods/services and that the customer knows the amount they owe. Sending invoices expeditiously also helps to avoid any disputes or misunderstandings.

Invoices are vital but not necessary for all kinds of businesses. Entertainment, retail, e-commerce, food, and hospitality industries don’t require invoices. For example, e-commerce transactions are done through credit and debit cards, which the card issuer already tracks. Therefore, there is no need to generate an invoice for eCommerce transactions since the card issuer has already documented the transaction.

If you want to know when is the best time to send invoices, read the following article.

How To Deal With Freelance Clients That Won’t Pay

As a freelancer, it is important to have a clear payment policy in place before beginning any work. The standard payment policy for freelancers requires payment upfront or upon project completion. A freelancer should clearly outline payment terms in any contracts or agreements with clients, including when payment is due and what happens if payment is not received.

If a client does not pay, the first step is to contact them and politely remind them of the payment terms. You can do this by sending a friendly reminder email or letter that outlines the payment terms and the due date. Additionally, you can offer payment options such as payment plans or discounts to encourage the client to pay.

If the client still does not pay, the freelancer can take legal action, such as filing a small claims court case or sending a demand letter. You can also bill late fees or stop working for them. Late fees should be billed following the terms of the contract or agreement between the freelancer and the client.

Typically, this includes specifying the amount of the late fee, the conditions that must be met for the late fee to be applied, and the timeline for payment of the late fee. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the late fee is reasonable and in line with local and national laws.

Calling out clients that don’t pay on social media isn’t a recommended practice. Doing so could damage your reputation and could lead to legal action. Instead, it is best to contact the client directly and politely remind them of their payment obligations.

It is also critical to set clear boundaries and expectations with clients. If a client is difficult to work with, you should communicate their concerns and try to resolve the issue. The freelancer can end the working relationship if the client is still uncooperative.

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Always get paid on time and avoid non-paying customers with Billdu’s payment reminders, streamlining your invoicing process effortlessly.

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Billdu invoice maker and invoicing app

How To Choose Invoicing Systems for Freelancers?

Electronic invoicing software can help you create and manage your invoices online. This software typically includes features such as self employed invoice templates, payment tracking, and automated reminders. They are essential for freelance and gig workers working with several clients.

Accounting tools track financial transactions and keep records of income, recurring expenses, assets, and liabilities. On the other hand, Invoicing software is used to create and send customer invoices and track payments. The best small business accounting software are typically more comprehensive and generally offer features such as budgeting and forecasting, while invoicing software focuses on creating and managing invoices.

When choosing an electronic system for invoices, the key to success is considering the features and functionality the system offers. It should be able to generate invoices quickly and accurately and provide the ability to track payments and manage customer accounts.

Invoicing system for freelancers

– Generate Invoices

Invoice generation involves creating an invoice for a customer or client. This process typically entails entering the customer’s information, the items or services being invoiced, the quantity, the price, and any applicable taxes. After entering all information, the software generates and sends the invoice to the customer.

– Tracking Payments

Invoicing software typically tracks payments by recording the payment information when it is entered into the system. Payment information includes the date of payment, the amount paid, the payment method, and any other relevant details. The software can then generate reports showing the total amount of payments received, the total amount outstanding, and other relevant information.

– Managing Customer Accounts

Most invoicing software will allow you to manage customer accounts by creating profiles for each customer. This will include their contact information, payment history, and other relevant information. You can then use this information to generate invoices, track payments, and manage customer accounts.

– Integrations

The system should be secure and have the ability to integrate with other software programs. To identify software integrations for your invoicing software, you should research the software and look for any available integrations. You can also contact the software provider to inquire about any integrations that may be available. Finally, you can search online for reviews and feedback from other users to see what integrations they found useful.

– Data Analysis

Choose software that can give you data insights and reports. With this data, you can track customer payments, analyze spending trends, and identify areas for cost savings. You can also generate reports and analyze customer behavior. Moreover, invoice data is great for creating marketing strategies, improving customer service, and optimizing pricing with this data.

– Cost

Lastly, you should consider the cost of the system and the customer service offered by the provider. Invoicing software costs will vary depending on the features and functionality you need. Generally, the more features and functionality you need, the more expensive the software will be. It is best to research different software options and compare prices to find the best deal for your needs.

Protect Your Freelance Business With Good Invoice Techniques

Every freelancer deserves to be paid the right amount for the work they did and the rate they have agreed on. Good invoice techniques can help protect your business by ensuring that payments are received on time and that customers know the payment terms. This can be done by clearly outlining payment terms on invoices, such as due dates and late fees, and by sending out reminders when payments are due.

By staying organized and utilizing the latest technology, businesses can make invoicing a simple and efficient part of their operations. Invoicing can correctly and promptly help businesses save time and money and secure payments from their customers. Taking the time to understand the best practices for invoicing can help businesses ensure they accurately and quickly manage their invoice processes.


Mastering invoicing in freelancing is essential for financial control and success. Streamlining this process ensures timely payments and frees up time for focusing on professional growth, rather than administrative tasks. Efficient invoicing is key to thriving in the freelance world.

We at Billdu believe in empowering freelancers through our software. Don’t trust us. Try our invoice management system today.

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Billdu invoice maker and invoicing app

Looking for Downloadable Invoice Templates?

Wondering what should an invoice look like? Look at our free invoice templates in a number of formats

SEO Specialist at Billdu

David Fačko specializes in SEO and Content at Billdu, a highly-regarded invoicing software solution known for its efficiency in assisting freelancers and small businesses worldwide.